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In 2023,  on September 27th Pb Swims received its own 501c3 designation .


We’ve learned from history that a dedicated source of income is needed to operate, maintain, and eventually replace LCAC:


  • Lake County School District (LCSD) operated and maintained the pool from 1975 until 1993 when they handed it over to Lake County Parks and Recreation (LCPR), a 501c3, as LCSD could no longer afford to operate it.

  • LCPR closed the pool in 1999 as they could not afford to repair and renovate it.

  • Citizens renovated and reopened the pool in 2004 and the Lake County BOCC agreed to maintain and operate it for 25 years.

  • On December 12, 2020, LCAC was closed for repair, then permanently closed by the BOCC on April 21, 2021.

  • In 2022, the BOCC said, “It’s not our building” and Directors of the Lake County Board of Education (BOE) stated, “The pool is the county’s responsibility.” 


The taxpayers own the aquatic center, and local government agencies made agreements in 1974 and 2003 to operate and maintain the swimming pool for the public good. 


Pb Swims is committed to renovating, operating, and maintaining an affordable public aquatic center. Our priorities are safety, sustainability, diversity, and accessibility as we provide education, recreation, and wellness for all.




In 2010, Pb Swims was founded because people were being turned away from LCAC due to lack of proper swimming attire. Pb Swims achieved its goal, making swimming accessible to all by getting swimsuit donations for those without. 


In 2015, Pb Swims replaced the broken diving board within LCAC. The project was completed ahead of time and under budget, so funds not spent on the diving board were earmarked for capital expenditures at the aquatic center.


In 2021, Pb Swims began investigating options for an indoor swimming pool, fiscally sustainable, built to last, and available to all in response to the Board of Lake County Commissioners (BOCC) permanently closing LCAC.   


In 2022, Pb Swims proposed the BOCC budget approximately $600,000 to upgrade ADA, HVAC, lighting, and make necessary pool repairs warrantied for 10 years. The BOCC rejected the proposal, so Pb Swims began working to replace the pool.



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